Friday, September 01, 2006

The Inception of Black Perspectives in South Carolina

Black Perspectives in South Carolina was designed to be an online forum, whereas information that is pertinent to quality of life for Black citizens in South Carolina, can be disseminated, shared, and discussed in an intelligent matter. I am particularly concerned about the educational crisis that presently exists in our state, and how Black children are barring the brunt of this crisis.

In South Carolina we have a solemn duty to the families of our state, and a patriotic duty to our beloved nation, to address an educational crisis in which our state ranks last amongst other states in standardized tests, where three-quarters of all eight graders are not proficient in reading and math, where nearly half of all students who enter high school fail to graduate. For our children's sake, and the future of South Carolina, we can and will do better. We must close the achievement gap that threatens to open old divisions in our state, and we need to ensure that every child has access to the program or school that can best serve their learning styles. Our children, in particular Black children, should not be compelled to attend a school or schools, that do not teach, and will not create the necessary changes for substantive learning.

I want to free Black and poor children from the shackles of government schools, and provide them the opportunity for educational choice. I envision a system where, "parents will have the right to choose which educational delivery system is right for their children. I firmly believe that "parents, not a government entity, should determine which educational system is proper for their children.

Educational Choice or School Choice is the new civil rights struggle of the 21st century, and I stand ready, as a professional educator, to lead the struggle for those who have been disenfranchised by a system that daily denies them equal educational opportunity.

Dr. Taliaferro


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